Optimise your fleet and increase your output

Webfleet Solutions Benefits

Webfleet Solutions are designed to also help the driver. Go beyond knowing when, where and how a vehicle was driven, support your teams in the field with the right tool to make their jobs easier. You’ll be up and running within one day, without any IT install­ation and you’ll start saving money from day one. Improve customer service and boost driver safety, whilst lowering costs and CO2 emissions with WEBFLEET. Achieve greater efficiency with easy integration into your existing systems.

Track your company vehicles & save like a Pro with WEBFLEET

Our small business and medium business solution gives you much more than merely tracking and tracing. Webfleet Solutions are designed to also help the driver. Go beyond knowing when, where and how a vehicle was driven, support your teams in the field with the right tool to make their jobs easier. You’ll be up and running within one day, without any IT install­ation and you’ll start saving money from day one.

More Control

Always know where your vehicles and employees are: get insight in driving time, driving behaviour, time on site, standstill and working time. Create trans­parency and make your drivers more accountable for their actions.

Lower Your Costs

Because drivers are helped to use the vehicle more carefully you can slash fuel costs, maintenance cost and insurance costs. Save up to 20% on fuel & maintenance costs.

More Billable Time

Make better use of time with tools like automated logbook and automated working time regis­tration. You can also increase the billable time of your employees by sending the driver that can be at a destination fastest, based on distance and real-time traffic situation.

Real Time
Vehicle Tracking

See where your vehicles are – and whether they’re parked or on the move – in real time on a TomTom map. By identifying the nearest driver for a new assignment, you can impress your customers and minimise the time you spend on the road. 
Webfleet Tom Tom

Dashboards and Customised Reports

Improve productivity by analizing driver data. Get access to an extensive set of dashboards and customized reports like driving hours, driving events, working time, trip reports and many more.

Enhance Driver Safety

Give drivers a simple alert on their device when they are speeding, or when steering and braking excessively, through Active Driver Feedback. Futhermore you can reduce the risks associated with speeding and harsh braking by monitoring driver behaviour and setting guidelines for safer driving.

Improve Your
Service Levels

With WEBFLEET you can give drivers orders on their device, so they can go easily from job to job without returning to the office. Or you can help drivers reach their destination faster through live in-vehicle traffic information and smart routing. You can even provide customers with shorter arrival windows thanks to smarter routing and more accurate estimated arrival times.

Interested in Webfleet Solutions?

Fill in the form and one of our specialists will get in touch.